Why do we use Computer?


There are three primary reasons for why we use computers:

  • Efficiency – computers perform tasks much faster than humans.
  • Reliability – computers produces same results consistently.
  • Accuracy – computers deliver precise and accurate results.

Computers have an incredible advantage over humans in terms of their ability to operate continuously. Unlike humans, who require rest and sleep, computers can run non-stop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

why do we use computer

What are the advantages of Computer?


  • For students, students can use word processing software to type their papers, edit, format and make changes easily without having to rewrite the entire document. This speeds up the writing process.
  • Accountants can use software like Microsoft Excel to perform complex calculations, create budgets, generate financial reports with incredible speed.


  • With computers, online banking systems allow customers to manage their accounts, transfer money electronically and provide reliable and accurate records of transactions.
  • Doctors rely on computer systems for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • For instance, medical imaging technologies like MRI and CT scans produce detailed images of the human body, helping doctors detect diseases and abnormalities with high precision.


  • Air traffic control relies heavily on computers to ensure the safe and accurate movement of aircraft. Computers track the positions of planes, monitor flight paths, calculate optimal routes, and provide real-time information to air traffic controllers.
  • By accurately coordinating the movements of aircraft, computers help prevent collisions and maintain the highest levels of safety in the aviation industry.