Operating System and Device Drivers

What is Operating System Software?​

The operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS) is like a ‘translator’ and a ‘guide’ for the computer:

It talks to hardware:

  • When you type on keyboard or when you click on your mouse, the operating system (OS) translates input signals into binary (machine language).
  • Uses a character encoding standard, like ASCII or Unicode, to translate.

It helps you to use the computer (user interface):

  • Allows you to see icons and work with files and applications.
  • Manages the files, documents, applications for you.

It helps applications to use the hardware (application interface):

  • Operating system allows application software (game, document editor etc.) to communicate with the hardware smoothly.

What is Device Drivers?

Device Drivers software allow the operating system to interact with hardware devices, like keyboard, mouse, printers etc.

How device drivers interacts with Hardware?