Types of tasks in a Software

What are the types of tasks available in a computer?

  • Continuous Task refers to the task which always runs when the computer is powered on.
    • Operating System runs 24/7 till you power it off.
  • Operating System allows you to run your application’s as well 24/7.
    • Services in Windows are used to run continuous tasks.
    • Daemon is Linux allows you to run continuous tasks.
  • Scheduled Task refers to the task which runs at any specific data and time.
  • Operating System allows you to schedule your tasks.
    • Task Scheduler in Windows.
    • cron in Linux allows you to schedule, run an application periodically and not 24/7.
  • User-Initiated Task refers to the task which run as a result of user actions
    • Click on Camera, when you want to take a photo is a user-initiated task.
    • Click on Email App, when you want to check email.
  • System-Initiated Task refers to the task runs by the system itself in response to certain events or conditions.
    • Automatically check for and install updates for the operating system or installed software
    • When your laptop’s battery gets low, the system might automatically reduce screen brightness, close unnecessary programs, or enter a power-saving mode.
  • Background Tasks, on the other hand, are tasks that run in the background, out of user sight. They are often used to support other tasks or to manage resources. A background task might not be always running (it might start and stop as required).
    • Checking for new emails in the background, so that your inbox is up to date when you open it.
    • Automatic updates can be downloaded and installed in the background, often without any need for user interaction.